UK Awarded $1.9 Million to Improve Retention of STEM Majors
Howard Hughes Medical Institute funds five-year project to promote student achievement in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, in collaboration with BCTC
Naff Symposium 2014: Donald E. Ingber, "From Cellular Mechanotransduction to Biologically Inspired Engineering"
40th Annual Naff Symposium University of Kentucky College of Arts & Sciences
Dr. Donald E. Ingber Director, Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University
Naff Symposium 2014: Hao Yan, "Designer Architectures for Programmable Self-Assembly"
40th Annual Naff Symposium University of Kentucky College of Arts & Sciences
Dr. Hao Yan, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry & The Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University
Two UK Students Awarded Undergraduate Research Abroad Scholarships
Chellgren Center Names 37 New Fellows: 20 in A&S
2013 Spring SEC Academic Honor Roll Includes 71 Wildcats
Gaines Fellowship Awarded to 12 UK Scholars
UK Professors Engage High School Science Teachers
Fighting Alzheimer's with Antioxidants: Allan Butterfield
Allan Butterfield is UK's Alumni Association Endowed Professor of Biological Chemistry at UK, and the Director of the Center for Membrane Sciences.
The focus of his research is the study of oxidative stress on the brain, one of the main components of Alzheimer's Disease.
In this podcast, Professor Butterfield discusses his research group's experiments and results, and talks about fighting the disease by stimulating the brain's production of antioxidants.