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Analytical Chemistry Seminar

Surface Enhance Raman spectroscopy and its applications in prostate cancer diagnosis

Surface Enhance Raman spectroscopy and its applications in prostate cancer diagnosis

Speaker: - Thilini Abeywansha 

September 9, 2016, 1.00 pm-1.50 pm, CP 114B  

Prostate Cancer is a main cause of death among the American male population. Over ten billion USDs are spent to treat prostate cancer patients per year in the USA. Current remedies for this disease include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy etc. which are not efficient and have adverse side effects. An alternative treatment called photo thermal therapy for prostate cancer has been recently introduced by researches. This technique uses elevated temperatures to destroy cancer cells. Progress of this method can be effectively monitored by Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS).

This seminar will focus on a SERS technique associated with popcorn-shaped gold nano particles which are specially designed to target human prostate cancer cell line LNCaP. This technique can be used to obtain enhanced Raman spectra of cancer cells aggregated with popcorn-shaped gold nano particles. And also, destruction of cancer cells during Photo-thermal therapy can be monitored using this technique. The results indicate that SERS provides significant enhancement to Raman signal intensity which makes it a highly sensitive technique to study cancer cells.


  • Bray, F.Møller, B. Predicting The Future Burden Of Cancer. Nature Reviews Cancer 2005, 6, 63-74.
  • DoITPoMS - TLP Library Raman Spectroscopy - Raman scattering (accessed Sep 5, 2016).
  • Guerrini, L.Graham, D. Cheminform Abstract: Molecularly-Mediated Assemblies Of Plasmonic Nanoparticles For Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Applications. ChemInform 2013, 44, no-no.
  • Lu, W.; Singh, A.; Khan, S.; Senapati, D.; Yu, H.; Ray, P. Gold Nano-Popcorn-Based Targeted Diagnosis, Nanotherapy Treatment, And In Situ Monitoring Of Photothermal Therapy Response Of Prostate Cancer Cells Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 18103-18114
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