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Materials by Design - Bringing New Science Discoveries to Industrial Applications

Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
Dr. Amy Heintz


Abstract: My group’s focus at Battelle is in translational science – using new science discoveries to solve a broad range of industrial problems. The dominant theme is how to control the structure at materials interfaces to enable functionality, durability, and stability (and scalability). I will discuss two applications where materials advances have enabled new performance: a low-power, lightweight ice protection system for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and a beverage can that is functionalized to foam nitrogenated beers. Both take advantage of emerging nanotechnologies.

Icing is a serious problem for UAVs, but anti-icing systems designed for commercial aircraft are too heavy, bulky, or power . We have developed a light-weight, low power ice protection system based on conductive carbon nanotube (CNT) coatings. I will discuss the mechanisms of conduction in CNT networks, the approaches to dispersing CNTs, and our research that has created deposited morphologies with conductivity greater than 12,000 S/cm. I will describe the challenges of integrating these new materials into aircraft, and the approaches used to enhance their environmental stability, adhesion, and durability.

Nitrogenated beers are not supersaturated with CO2 and thus do not spontaneously foam upon opening the can; commercial products use mechanical means of generating foam. I will discuss the science behind the foaming of these beers and describe alternative approaches to replace mechanical widgets. 



Amy Heintz is a Senior Research Scientist at Battelle in Columbus, OH. Her main focus is to develop advanced materials, particularly to translate early stage research to products. She is the Principal Investigator on a portfolio of projects, and her clients have represented companies from medical device, aerospace, consumer product, building and construction, oil and gas, and electronics markets. She led two different strategic, internal R&D projects to grow new business offerings for Battelle: one in drug delivery devices and the other in advanced heaters for unmanned aerial vehicles. Both efforts resulted in successful maturation of technologies from TRL2 to TRL7. The ChemEngine™ provides power on demand to deliver protein formulations through a needle and is being commercialized with a pharmaceutical client. HeatCoat™ is a new anti-icing platform for aircraft that is now in preparation for flight demonstration. She has 7 issued patents and 14 patents pending related to advanced materials. She is the 2016 Battelle Inventor of the Year.

Dr. Heintz’s research focuses on phenomenon at dissimilar interfaces, specifically at organizing materials to tune adhesion, absorption and electron, phonon, or gas transport. Such phenomenon are of fundamental importance for a variety of applications such as solar cells, biosensors, drug delivery, wound healing, and thermal management. Her team has generated novel nanoscale or multiscale topographies to create materials of immediate practical importance, such as coatings that promote foaming in nitrogenated beer. Her research has also examined the use of long range interactions to provide morphological control, including modification in situ. In one such example, these interactions were used to control the aggregation of proteins to create low viscosity protein formulations. In another, she developed new electrically conductive hyaluronic acid biomaterial with tunable gelation properties.  Generally, her research is applied to solve proprietary challenges of commercial customers. She maintains an active research group in the area of carbon nanomaterials.