Awful Archives: Conspiracy Theory, Rhetoric, and Acts of Evidence. The Ohio State University Press. (April 2020).
Distant Publics: Development Rhetoric and the Subject of Crisis. University of Pittsburgh Press. (2012).
“Communication Channels in the 1980s: A Paratheory.” Quarterly Journal of Speech.108:3 (2022), 317-338.
"The wound’s future." Communication and the Public 5.1-2 (2020): 7-15.
"Memory and lost communities: strange methods for studying place." Review ofCommunication 20.2 (2020): 144-15
“How Can an Ecosystem Have a Voice?” Rhetoric Society Quarterly 47.5 (2017).
“The Rhetorical Aesthetics of More: Archival Magnitude.” Philosophy and Rhetoric 50.1 (2017), 26-49.
“Para-Expertise, Tacit Knowledge, and Writing Problems.” College English 78.2 (2015), 117-138.
“Disgusting Bullshit.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly 45.5 (2015), 468-472.
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“D’Var Mahloket.” Argumentation and Advocacy 50 (Spring 2014). 278-280.
“From Architectonic to Tectonics: Introducing Regional Rhetoric.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly 42.3 (2012). 201-213.
“Claims to Fame: Rhetorical Legitimacy and Argumentative Writing.” Pre/Text 19 (2009). 123-146.
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“The New ‘New’: Making a Case for Critical Affect Studies.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 94.2 (2008). 200 — 212.
“Rhetoric’s Mechanics: Retooling the Equipment of Writing Production.” College Composition and Communication 60.2 (2008). 366-387.
“Unframing Models of Public Distribution: From Rhetorical Situation to Rhetorical Ecologies.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly 35.4 (2005). 5–24.
Inventing Place: Lone Star Rhetorics (co-edited with Casey Boyle). Southern Illinois University (2018).
Rhetorics Change/Rhetoric’s Change. Parlor Press (2018).
Regional Rhetorics: Real and Imagined Spaces (Editor). Routledge. (2014).
“Integrated Regionalisms and First-Generation Students: A Place -Conscious Heuristic.” In Beyond Fitting In: Rethinking First-Gen Writing and Literacy Education. Ed, Kelly Ritter. MLA. (2022)
“Archiving Devils.” In Inventing Place: Lone Star Rhetorics. Southern Illinois University. (2018).
“Circulation Exhaustion.” Circulation, Rhetoric, and Writing. Eds. Laurie Gries and Collin Brooke. University of Utah Press. (2017).
“A Method for Getting Carried Away: A Kentucky Story.” Abducting Writing Studies. Eds. Sidney Dobrin and Kyle Jensen. Southern Illinois University Press. (2016). 47-63.
“Pop Up Archives.” Rhetoric and the Digital Humanities. Eds. Jim Ridolfo and William Hart-Davidson. University of Chicago Press. (2015)