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Incoming Graduate Student Checklist

Before you arrive:

  • Find a place to live.
  • Set up your UK email address.
    • An email providing instructions on setting up your UKID number and linkblue ID will be sent to the address provided during the application process. This email is sent after completing the Decision Reply Form in Application/Admissions process. Many of the following steps cannot be completed until your application is complete and a linkblue is created.
      • You may also find this article helpful in setting up your account.
    • After your email is setup, please request access to a divisional listserv (Analytical, Biological, Inorganic, Organic, or Physical) by contacting This step is important because the department will contact you via your UK email address and/or provide crucial information via the listserv during your time in the program.
    • For questions or problems regarding activating your account, please contact UK ITS Customer Service by phone at (859)218-4357.
  • Log on to myuk.uky.eduThis is where you will register for classes, see your bi-weekly pay statements, and update your personal information as a student and an employee.
  • Create A&S profile.  Email the URL to when this step is complete so that your profile can be added to the Graduate Student Directory.
  • Orientation Schedule. Start checking the schedule for update one month before classes begin and check back regularly.
  • Send official transcripts and any required test scores to the Graduate School as directed on this page.

After you arrive:

  • Obtain a UK Wildcard ID. The cost of the Wildcard is $17.00. If you would like to purchase a protective case it is an additional $5.00. You must bring a photo government-issued ID to pick up your Wildcard. The ID office is located in the Gatton Student Center Suite A380 and its operating hours are M-F 8:00am - 4:15pm. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Wildcard ID Office at 859-257-1378 or via
  • Get a Parking Pass or explore alternate transportation options.  To park legally on UK's campus, you must purchase a parking permit.  As of 2015, free city transport is provided by LexTran with a valid UK Wildcard ID. Visit this UK PTS page for more information.
  • Set up direct deposit and complete payroll forms.  Establish a checking account and follow the instructions from the A&S Payroll staff.
  • Check your Student Record for account holds.  Login to your myUK account and check for any holds on your student record.
  • Enroll in courses during orientation.  The course catalog and schedule of classes is available in the myUK “Student Services” tab.
  • Learn about Student Health Insurance.
  • Pay mandatory fees.  Check for the mandatory fee and the deadline date in the financials section of your myUK account.
  • Contact a Department Manager if you have questions.  You can reach us at

For International students ONLY

Before you arrive:

When you arrive:

After classes begin:

  •  Obtain SSN. Social Security Number (SSN) is mandatory in order to work in United States.