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Topping Off the Academic Science Building



Arts & Sciences Dean Mark Lawrence Kornbluh speaks at the Topping Off Ceremony for the new Academic Science Building. The ceremony signifies the end of the structural phase and the beginning of the remaining phases of the construction process. The Academic Science Building is scheduled to open Fall 2016.



Anonymous (not verified)
Dean Kornbluh Onsite at the Academic Science Building



Arts & Sciences Dean Mark Lawrence Kornbluh visited the Academic Science Building construction site to discuss its current progress and his excitement for what the facility means for the University of Kentucky. The Academic Science Building is scheduled to open Fall 2016.



Anonymous (not verified)

Positive Potential: Valerie Sarge



Through Paul Laurence Dunbar High School's Math, Science, and Technology Center, high school senior Valerie Sarge is acquiring an impressive set of research skills before she even begins college. Valerie has been working with chemistry professor John Anthony at UK's Center for Applied Energy Research, and is looking at how agricultural byproducts might be able to be used in flexible, low-cost electronics.



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